If You Eat Onion Every Day, This Can Happen to Your Body

If You Eat Onion Every Day

Onions have been truly common for a long time.

We can find signs as far back as the 2500 B.C. Egyptians, where the onion was worshipped. Because of its concentrate layer structure it was said to represent eternity.

We can’t guarantee that eating onion can grant you an afterlife, but it will certainly improve your quality of life.

Onions are extremely nutritious and have strong protein and fiber content, as well as vitamin C, selenium, folate and various antioxidants.

Even the tear-inducing sulfuric compounds in onions, especially allicin, carry health benefits, such as reducing your cancer risk.

Eating any onion every day can really do something positive for a body.

Today, onions are one of the most versatile ingredients in the world, featuring in lots of savory recettes.

In certain instances, you may not even know they are there, but we can guarantee that in most of the foods you consume there is some amount of onion, even if it is just the onion powder in your favorite spice mix.

But before you think, “I don’t really like onions,” and click through, you know there are plenty of ways to integrate onion into your diet, and just as many of the reasons why you really should.

Some of those are truly amazing, particularly

Lower Cancer Risk

Onions contain certain organosulfur compounds that give them their distinctive smell, but also work to detoxify the carcinogens that we consume every day.

That translates to a lower lifetime risk of cancer.

Research suggests that the more onions you eat, the greater the protection.

But know that combining onions with turmeric has a synergistic effect and that garlic offers similar protection before you start an all-onion diet.

Consuming onion every day is always a smart idea but you can add these other ingredients all the time to maximize the advantages, rather than consuming all the onions.

Lower Diabetes Risk

Even onions are perfect for raising the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs when glucose is processed ineffectively by insulin.

Usually this occurs because of a chronically high sugar diet.This raises the amount of insulin available in your body when you eat onion.

In onions, the allyl propyl disulphide takes up some of the places in the liver where insulin is inactivated, allowing more insulin to absorb glucose in the blood stream.

Better Cardiovascular Health

Onions are rich in an antioxidant called quercetin, which promotes health like all antioxidants by neutralizing free radicals that otherwise cause cellular damage.

Yet quercetin is unique in that it preserves flexible and elastic arteries. It also plays a part in controlling blood pressure and reduces LDL cholesterol levels in individuals at risk for cardiovascular disorders.

Therefore eating some onion every day improves cardiovascular health and minimizes the risk of heart disease.

Enhanced Immune Function

In onions the quercetin does more than just help the heart. It functions in combination with selenium and helps to strengthen the immune system.

Together, selenium and quercetin were found to reduce inflammation in the body.

It also appears that this power combination regulates immune function, activates a response and then scales it down as appropriate.

In addition, overactive immune function can cause a host of problems, not the least of which is the chronic inflammatory arthritis disease.

Allergy Relief

Seasonal allergies are responsible for itchy eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. They are very unpleasant and lead many people to rely on medicines for allergy relief.

Yet certain drugs come with their own side effects which can also be alarming.

Consider eating some onion before you pop a pill every time you’re suffering from allergies.

Quercetin blocks allergy-causing and inflammatory compounds, which may thus result in substantial symptom reduction. Seek quercetin supplements instead if you can’t really bear the taste of onions.

Lesser Food Poisoning Risk

You may have learned that cutting onions are the unrecognized cause of food poisoning in food of all kinds.

The story goes that onions are so susceptible to bacterial growth that cutting and then storeing them for any amount of time isn’t healthy.But don’t believe anything you say, for the truth is the exact opposite.

Onions contain antibacterial compounds which slow growth of the bacteria.

Eating onion with every meal makes you less likely to get sick from other foods, not only are they safe to cut and store for up to 7 days.

Reduced Risk Of Blood Clots

Blood coagulation is an essential feature as it seals injuries and prevents unnecessary loss of blood. If a clot occurs inside an artery or a vein, however, it can be fatal.

A blood clot at the wrong spot, medically called thrombus, can block vital blood flow and deprive other parts of the body of the oxygen and nutrients they need.

A thrombus can also move to the lungs or to the heart and cause death.

Onions contain something called rutin that can prevent those harmful clots from forming. Ironically, clots formed in an artery are rich in platelets while fibrin is high in clots found in veins.

In reality, Rutin was found to dissolve both types.

Improved Sleep And Mood

Sleep requires a lot of the chemical processes. Serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine function together to balance mood, control appetite and promote healthy sleep.

But other chemicals, such as homocysteine, an amino acid released as the body breaks down proteins, can impair your ability to sleep soundly.

Too much homocysteine hampers serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine development.

Onions promote healthy sleep as they contain a good amount of folate which can avoid the build-up of homocysteine in the body.

But other chemicals, such as homocysteine, an amino acid released as the body breaks down proteins, can impair your ability to sleep soundly.

Too much homocysteine hampers serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine development.

Onions promote healthy sleep as they contain a good amount of folate which can avoid the build-up of homocysteine in the body.


Research shows that if you eat them raw, you get the greatest benefit from the onions for your wellbeing.

Though, not everybody will hold on raw onion, because that is when it is the most crunchy and strongly flavored.

Raw onions are responsible for the infamous “onion smell” that we all desperately try to stop.