What is the Fairtrade Foundation and what does it do?


The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent non-profit that campaigns for better prices, decent working conditions and fairer terms of trade for farmers and workers around the world. We do this by licensing the international FAIRTRADE Mark, which guarantees that products meet these standards in the UK.

The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation.

The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent non-profit that campaigns for better prices, decent working conditions and fairer terms of trade for farmers and workers.

The international FAIRTRADE Mark is a guarantee that products have been produced by workers who have received fair wages and good working conditions. It also ensures that farmers receive a living wage for their produce sold through registered traders.


Products in the UK carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark meet these standards.

As a global movement, fair trade has established a series of standards for products to carry the FAIRTRADE Mark. These include standards for fair trade and sustainability, as well as standards related to the production of goods.

It works with producers and traders worldwide who meet these standards. They also help them put in place other important projects that help improve lives and livelihoods in developing countries, such as educating farmers on new technologies or improving their access to markets. In turn, you can buy products that have been made in a way that helps end poverty among farmers and workers around the world.

The Fairtrade Foundation licenses the international FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK.

  • This Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that licenses the international FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK.
  • It is an independent certification body, which means it guarantees that farmers and workers producing a product have met their rigorous standards.

It is an independent certification body.

It is an independent, non-profit organisation. This means that it is not affiliated with any political party or government agency, and it doesn’t have a religious agenda either.

The foundation’s mission is to help producers in developing countries boost their income by working together as a community.


It guarantees standards of work for workers and farmers.

Fairtrade standards are based on the International Labour Organisation’s core labour standards, which provide a framework for decent work and fair wages in global supply chains. This  Foundation has developed its own system of checks and balances to ensure that these standards are met in practice.

It inspects workplaces, farms or factories to make sure they comply with international labour laws, including:

  • freedom of association – workers should be able to join unions or other worker organisations without fear of discrimination or reprisals;
  • right to collective bargaining – workers should have the right to negotiate collectively with their employer through their union representatives;
  • prohibition on forced labour – nobody should be forced against their will by an employer or agent of an employer;
  • prohibition on child labour – all children younger than 15 years old (18 years old if under compulsory full-time education) must not be employed except under certain conditions such as working for family businesses in agriculture, fishing or domestic service;

We also license Fairtrade Sourced from Small Producer Organisations (SPSO) for sugar-growing small producers.

The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation, set up in England and Wales in 1992, to promote Fairtrade. We work with small producer organisations (SPOs) around the world to help them get a better deal from the global trade system.

SPOs are groups of people who band together to find a better deal for themselves and their communities by selling goods or services internationally through fair trading agreements – usually called co-operatives. They can be based on ethnicity, gender or religion but must have a democratic structure – so all members have equal access to power within the organisation.

Our aim is that businesses commit themselves to working with producers in this way and pay them a price which will allow them to live decent lives out of work too (known as ‘living wage’).


By buying Fairtrade products, you are helping to end poverty and protect our planet

  • By buying Fairtrade products, you are helping to end poverty and protect our planet. Fairtrade certified farms and factories must meet strict standards that ensure they’re sustainable.
  • When you buy a product with the Fairtrade mark on it, you can be confident that it was produced in a way that respects workers’ rights, promotes gender equality and supports economic development.
  • By buying products like coffee or tea from farmers who earn more money from their work (because of the higher prices paid for Fairtrade products), you help them provide for their families and contribute to local economies. This means better access to healthcare, education or decent housing for everyone in the community.
  • The extra income generated by selling Fairtrade produce can fund projects such as community centres where people meet up to learn about agriculture techniques or share news with each other through newspapers produced locally – which also helps improve literacy rates across communities!

In summary, we hope this article has helped you understand what the Fairtrade Foundation is, and why it’s important. If you care about making a difference to the world around us, then you should consider buying more of your favourite products in the future with a Fairtrade certification. This will help make sure that farmers and workers are treated fairly and have good working conditions where they live – not just because it feels good on your conscience but also because it can save money too!