Amazon and Netflix are two of the biggest streaming services in the world. As more people switch from regular television services to online streaming, more competition has emerged. This has caused these two streaming services to produce better content and more of it.
The constant battle to produce or release the biggest and best new films and TV shows has driven the quality of streaming service content quality through the roof, which is great for the consumer. This is the reason it is taking over traditional television.
But with so many streaming services on the market, it’s not always possible to pay a monthly subscription for all of them. The decision to pick between these two giants is not an easy one, but we are here to help.
What’s the difference between them?
In reality, the only real difference between the two streaming services is the content they produce. They both have various subscription plans, apps, TV and films, and are priced similarly. You may also have an affinity for the companies themselves because of how they are run or who owns them.
You might remember Netflix as that company that used to send you physical DVD’s! Once you were done with them you would send them back via the post. It has come a long way since then and now has over 150 million subscribers worldwide.
Amazon Prime Video is obviously part of Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world. Their streaming service is just another example of Amazon putting their finger in another pie. Amazon now owns a business that competes in almost every industry. Some customers may prefer Netflix because of this reason as they see Amazon as an evil conglomerate owned by the richest man in the world.
Netflix and Amazon Prime Video differ slightly in price and how you are billed.
The good news is both streaming services have a free 30-day trial period that can be cancelled any time. If after reading this comparison you are still on the fence, this is your solution!
Netflix bills customers on a monthly basis, whereas Amazon, has a couple of different billing options. With Amazon, you can choose to be billed monthly or yearly, or you can choose to pay for individual films and TV series through a standard Amazon account.
Netflix Pricing
Netflix offers 2 different subscription packages that each have their own benefits.
The basic package is £5.99 a month and allows customers to Watch on 1 screen at a time in Standard Definition, and download videos on 1 phone or tablet.
The standard package is £8.99 a month and allows users to watch on 2 screens at a time with Full HD (1080p) available. You can also download videos on 2 phones or tablets.
The premium package is £11.99 and allows customers to watch on 4 screens at a time in Full HD (1080p) or Ultra HD (4K). You can also download videos on 4 phones or tablets.
Amazon Prime Video Pricing
Customers can access Amazon Prime Video with a standard Amazon Prime subscription which obviously includes a whole host of other benefits including free and fast delivery, Amazon Music and much more.
Amazon Prime costs £79 for a 1-year subscription which works out to about £6.50 a month. Or, there is the option to pay monthly, which works out to be £7.99 a month. Amazon also comes with a free month subscription to Amazon Prime for new users and can be up to 3 months for students.
Customers do also have the option to buy films and tv shows separately. While prices differ depending on rating and release date, a typical film can be rented individually for £8-10 and individual TV episode for £2-3.
This is by far the most important aspect when deciding which of these streaming services to go with. With new content constantly coming out there is some investigative work that needs to be done to decide if future content will be worth your money.
Aside from new content, both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have a huge catalogue of classic films and tv series waiting to be watched again and again.
Netflix’s big hitters are Stranger Things, Orange Is the New Black, The Crown, Ozark and the Witcher. Honestly, there are too many to mention. When Netflix has a new hit tv series, it is the series of the moment and you won’t be able to escape hearing about it.
Prime Video has Mr Robot, Billions, His Dark Materials, The Boys, The 100 and Vikings, and many many more. Prime has it’s fair share of hit series and films, but they don’t quite reach the levels of Netflix’s.
If there is a particular favourite series on one platform then that might sway you if there are more seasons of it coming out.
It really does all come down to the content. They both have huge catalogues of rewatchable content and a constant stream of new content. Amazon may sway you as that Prime subscription is so valuable for many other things.
If you really can’t decide, just get both!