7 Trick to finding cheap hotels deals

7 Trick to finding cheap hotels deals

Finally, you have decided on a destination for your next vacation. All you need to do now is find a beautiful hotel at a reasonable rate.

Unfortunately this is often the most frustrating part of planning a holiday for many people.

Some websites don’t make it entirely easy to find the best deals and often change rates on a dime.

Book at the wrong time and you might end up paying much more than your fellow bookers.

Likewise, if you try to snag an offer that seems good to be true without first doing your homework, you could end up having a really unpleasant journey with a lot of complications added.

There’s an art to finding discount offers. You will master this art with these seven clever tips at your fingertips, so that you will never again have to overpay for a hotel.

Day of the Week

Chances are you probably didn’t think a lot about which day of the week you’re looking at sales.

But failing to do so might cost you a bit of serious cash. After delving into the data provided by Expedia, analysts found that there is only one day of the week that is noticeably better to book a hotel: Sunday. 

This may come as a surprise given that most people are on this day off work and are therefore more likely to have time on this day to book a hotel.

Sunday is, however, the best day to book travel related activities including an accommodation.

Looking at flights or even flight and hotel packages on this day should also be considered with that in mind. The savings can be large.

You can also save money when booking transportation to your destination by including a Sunday night in your reservation, or by scheduling a weekday stay or as part of your flight or train arrival date.

So make sure you set aside some time the next time you feel like taking off all of Sunday to find the best accommodation.

Hotels Tonight

If you don’t need your schedule or plans to book your lodging well in advance, you might benefit from a last minute deal. Entering “hotels tonight” into your search bar will produce a lot of results, including websites specializing in last-minute booking.

While it may not be convenient to book a hotel at 11th hour, the saving can be big.

You could see as much as a 60 percent price reduction, ensuring you’ll have much more money to enjoy restaurants and tourist activities.

The one pull back to this technique is that you will definitely not get the room you want when you book.

Book in Advanced Reservations

In general, the further you can book in advanced the better when it comes to getting a cheap hotel deal.

The precise amount of time you should do this also depends on where you want to go. Popular destinations like Tokyo and Berlin should be booked 2 – 5 weeks out  according to TripAdvisor, while Rome and Rio de Janeiro should be booked in advanced 3 – 5 months ahead.

The savings for booking a room that far ahead of time vary from 10 percent to 55 percent all the way.

With this form of savings, your journey can be much more enjoyable and your wallet much lighter.

Call Ahead

It’s easy to find an inexpensive hotel over the phone. Furthermore, if you call ahead and talk to a person directly at the location you are interested in, the chances of getting a better deal will improve.

This is particularly true if you plan to stay for more than a week, because hotels often have long-term guest specials.

Be sure to ask respectfully, because your voice tone could be the difference between getting a free update or price reduction and getting nothing at all.

Remember, don’t be shocked if, on the other hand, the guest relations person simply repeats the same offers you’ve seen before.

Neither contract is guaranteed.

Check the Schedule

Sometimes the day which offers the greatest savings is not the one you expect.

When you can book the room you want at the best possible price, the best way to find out is to check the schedule, the hotel schedule that is.

Many places would allow you to do this online by simply scrolling through dates of arrival and departure, while others may be less transparent about their fluctuations in rates so you may need to contact them directly for further information.

When you contact the hotel directly, try to inquire about the rates indirectly and if possible ask for a corner room as you will end up getting more space per dollar.


Whether you’re searching for a beautiful oceanfront space or a relaxing stay during a business trip, Expedia will help you find what you’re looking for at the best price point possible.

The platform, and its easy-to-use app, are designed to make it quick and easy to find and book great rooms.

You can also book just for flights or look for package deals such as hotel plus flight or even hotel plus car and ride.

Furthermore, Expedia allows you to earn and redeem Expedia+ points, meaning more savings each time you book.

Similarly support is available 24/7. Every time you click on a hotel option, you’ll see exactly how much you save on.


The more options you have to book your accommodation, the higher the chances of finding a great deal. Must not be downtown right?

Try a bit further out looking for a bed. Almost always, such areas are more accessible than more central locations.

If you’re still close to public transportation or a decent driving distance, though, saving will easily compensate for the extra time it takes to get to downtown.

You may also find that being away from the hustle and bustle of a crowded area actually makes your holidays more pleasant and encourages you to explore your destination outside the boundaries of typical tourist spots.

Other Hotel:

  • Bloomberg Hotel