What are the benefits of Sharing Economy ?


The sharing economy is a relatively new trend that offers many benefits. According to some studies, it also helps people save money and boost the local economy. The sharing economy has become so popular that even governments are organizing conferences about it and trying to determine how this trend will affect our lives in the future.

Money Saving

  • Sharing economy is cheaper than buying

It’s true that buying a car, a TV or a washing machine can cost you quite a bit of money. However, if you’re smart and have the right mindset, you can save yourself some serious dough by using sharing economy websites instead of purchasing your own items outright. For example, let’s say that you needed to buy a new vacuum cleaner but didn’t want to spend $300 on an expensive one at Costco. Instead of buying it yourself, why not rent one through Homejoy? This way when it comes time for the cleaner that was used by someone else in your home before being returned back into circulation via Homejoy as part of their service model (this is called “crowdsourcing”), then this other person will be able to use it for his or her house! You’d get a two-fer: You’d get both an extra clean house AND save money!

  • Sharing Economy services are free sometimes


Flexibility of working hours

  • You can choose when and how many hours you work.
  • You can work in your pyjamas, or even your underwear.

Lowering carbon footprint

It is a common misconception that the sharing economy is harmful to the environment. However, there are many ways that it can actually lower your carbon footprint and help you become more environmentally conscious. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Reduced number of vehicles on roads: With car-sharing services such as Zipcar, you can rent a vehicle for only as long as you need it without having to own one yourself. This means that fewer vehicles will be on the road at any given time, which will reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduced energy use: When people rent out their homes through Airbnb instead of staying in hotels when they travel, they tend to spend less money overall—and this means less fossil fuels consumed over time!


Boosting the local economy

This effect is particularly pronounced in small, rural areas. In these places, sharing economy companies can be a lifeline for local businesses and residents. For example, if you live in a small town that has only one grocery store, you’re unlikely to shop at Walmart or Whole Foods when they open up in your city because those stores are too far away from where you live. But if that same town has a grocery delivery service like Instacart or Doorstep Organics—or even an online marketplace like Etsy—you’ll be more likely to spend money at local businesses because you’ve got options now when it comes time for shopping.

Local economies also benefit from this kind of innovation because it creates new jobs and generates tax revenue for the government through sales tax and income tax. Local governments can use this extra money to fund programs that benefit their communities through better schools or emergency services such as police forces or fire departments (depending on what type of sharing economy company they have).

More convenient

In the sharing economy, you no longer have to spend time searching for or buying products that you need. You can simply borrow them from someone else, who may be located nearby or thousands of miles away. This means that you save both time and money in the process.

It’s also easier for people to find a place where they can work on their projects without having to rent an office space or buy expensive equipment like computers and printers with this kind of system because all these things are provided by others through their own inventory through the use of a platform such as Airbnb or Uber.

Things are viewed as a service rather than a product

The sharing economy isn’t about ownership or possession. It’s about access, convenience, and sustainability. With a traditional ownership model, you have to store your belongings somewhere and maintain them so they don’t wear out over time. This requires a lot of effort—and money! Sharing economy companies like Airbnb let you rent things when you need them instead of keeping them on hand at all times just in case. The trade-off? You can only use the item for as long as your rental contract allows; once it expires, you must return it or purchase it if it’s available for sale on the platform.


Sharing economy brings us many benefits so we shouldn’t fear it

Sharing economy is a way of doing business that is based on sharing resources, services, and information through collaborative consumption. Sharing economy allows people to rent or borrow assets from each other instead of buying them outright. It also allows us to use more efficient and sustainable ways of living. For example, we can share our homes with strangers who need accommodation while we’re away; borrow someone’s car when traveling; hire a cleaner on an hourly rate instead of paying for a weekly cleaning service; book private rooms in a hostel rather than staying at hotels; or rent tools from local tool lending libraries instead of buying them.

As you can see, the benefits are many: it helps reduce waste by cutting down on unnecessary purchases; reduces congestion by reducing the number of cars needed in cities (and therefore cuts pollution); makes travel cheaper by sharing rides; allows people with little money access to things they otherwise couldn’t afford such as personal trainers or tutors…

As you can see, there are many benefits of sharing economy. Sharing is not only about finding a better way to use resources, but also about creating an inclusive and sustainable future. This is why we should embrace this new business model and use it as much as possible.